
弯月面 眼泪


弯月面 tears are among the most common knee injuries, affecting approximately 1 million people in the U.S. 每年. 健康的膝关节包含两个半月板,由软骨组成的c形结构. The one on the inside of the knee is the medial meniscus; the one on the outside is the lateral meniscus. 光滑的, 弹性和橡胶, 他们提供稳定性和减震宝贵的膝关节软骨内衬关节, known as the hyaline cartilage. 半月板对膝关节的健康至关重要,尤其是对预防关节炎, which occurs if the hyaline cartilage is damaged or lost.

There are two types of meniscus tears: acute tears, which result from a sudden injury (trauma) to the knee, 还有退化性眼泪, 随着时间的推移而发展. 虽然这两种类型都会影响半月板的完整性,但治疗方法不同. An acute tear may happen during sports or an event in which the knee is twisted. Acute tears frequently occur in combination with other knee injuries, specifically with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. For many acute injuries, surgical treatment is considered.

A degenerative meniscus tear is more subtle, 随着 透明软骨和半月板质量的恶化和年龄的增长而逐渐发展. 经常 these tears go unnoticed until the tissue has degenerated a good deal, and therefore surgical repair isn't appropriate. A deteriorated meniscus may suddenly tear, 然而; in this case, it may be reasonable to consider surgical intervention.

Our approach to meniscus tears

加州大学旧金山分校, 我们拥有十大赌博平台排行榜一流的专家,他们在膝关节护理和半月板手术技术方面受过先进的培训, as well as researchers actively working to improve therapeutic techniques. 我们致力于帮助患者尽可能恢复最高水平的活动. Our team includes orthopedic surgeons, primary care sports medicine doctors, physical therapists and athletic trainers. 什么时候适合做手术, 我们为每位患者确定最佳方法,并使用先进的微创技术. When repairing the meniscus is no longer an option, we also have experience in meniscus transplant surgery.


Athlete returns to sports after meniscus tear

After an injury that left her barely able to walk, 富血小板血浆(PRP)注射帮助希瑟重新开始跑步和骑自行车. In May 2023, she biked a famous Alpine pass!

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迹象 & 症状

The most common 症状 of a meniscus tear are:

  • 膝盖疼痛和僵硬
  • 关节肿胀
  • Limited range of motion in the joint
  • 一个膝关节锁住,抓住,发出可听到的咔哒声或感觉好像要“让开”


膝关节损伤最好由具有运动医学专业知识的卫生保健提供者诊断. 初次访问时, 十大赌博平台排行榜会对病人的症状和病史进行全面的检查, plus a physical exam of the injured knee. x光也常用于评估骨骼的整体状况和检查关节炎的迹象. 有时需要MRI来更好地观察半月板并确认半月板撕裂的诊断.


十大赌博平台排行榜的治疗建议基于多种因素:半月板撕裂的类型, the size and location of the tear, the joint's stability and the knee's overall condition, as well as the patient's age and physical activity goals. 经常, particularly with degenerative tears, 物理治疗, 支撑, 冰的应用程序, 消炎药和各种注射足以缓解症状, improve function and allow a safe return to activity over time.

机械或结构性半月板撕裂可能损害半月板的保护和稳定作用,通常建议手术治疗. 一种称为关节镜检查的微创手术可以让外科十大赌博平台排行榜通过精细的器械看到你的膝盖内部, 包括一个微型摄像机, through small incisions on the front of your knee. 如果表示, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜可以通过半月板修复术来恢复半月板的形状和功能,也可以通过半月板切除术来切除半月板受损部分(当无法修复时)。.


修复试图恢复半月板的自然形状并保存组织, so it can perform its normal function of protecting the knee joint. Surgeons can suture the torn parts together with a variety of possible devices. The procedure requires an extended rehabilitation period, with use of crutches and a brace, 还有物理治疗. 并不是所有的半月板撕裂在修复后都会愈合,有些患者需要第二次手术.

Post-operative protocols depend on the type of tear, the surgical techniques utilized and other factors specific to your situation. 一般, 虽然, 患者戴支架两到六周,部分或全部需要拐杖. 物理治疗运动通常被用来恢复活动能力和力量. 大多数患者在手术和完成物理治疗后恢复到接近正常的积极生活方式.


一个半月板切除术, 或半月板清创, 永久性切除受损组织是否不能保留半月板的正常形状和体积. 在一般情况下, 半月板切除术可显著改善短期症状,术后恢复较快, 但也可能会增加患加速关节炎的可能性,最终需要膝关节置换的风险也更高. In select cases, meniscectomy does provide good longer-term results.

半月板切除术的术后计划通常比半月板修复更短、更简单. 手术后,患者可以立即将重量放在腿上,通常只需要拐杖来帮助保持平衡. Physical therapy will be prescribed to restore knee motion and strength. Most patients will be fully recovered two to three months after surgery.

For these reasons, the more common procedure at this time is a meniscectomy. But under the right circumstances, meniscus repair can still be a good choice, especially since repair techniques and outcomes are continuing to improve.

Deciding between meniscus repair and removal

在许多情况下,从你的病史、体检和影像学检查中可以清楚地看出最佳选择. 然而, 在某些情况下, 修复还是切除的决定必须由外科十大赌博平台排行榜在手术中做出, when the nature and extent of the tear can be evaluated directly. 如果这是你的情况, 你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜会提前和你讨论这两种选择——包括每种选择的可能性.

Repairing the meniscus rather than removing any part of it has obvious advantages, which is why most surgeons prefer it. 半月板组织, 然而, 由于血液供应的变化和膝关节的受力,它的愈合是否有些不可预测, which is why repair failure rates remain fairly high (10 percent to 30 percent, 取决于撕裂程度). 也, meniscus repair surgery takes longer and is more expensive than a meniscectomy, and the post-op regimen is considerably longer and more difficult.


加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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